Thank you for choosing West Coast Pediatrics for your child's medical needs. We are committed to providing you with exceptional medical care, as well as, making our medical billing processes as simple and efficient as possible. Recent shifts in the healthcare industry have resulted in insurance companies increasing the patient's portion of the payment. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our practice’s “EASY-PAY” — A Credit Card on File Policy.
To streamline our payment system and provide a convenient way for parents to pay their bills , effective September 1, 2019, we will require all patients to keep an active credit card on file with us. The credit card information will be stored in a secure vault by our payment processor. We will bill your insurance company first and upon their determination of benefits we will charge your credit card for patient portion of the payment. Circumstances, when your card would be charged, include but are not limited to: missed co-payments, deductible and co-insurance, non-covered services and/or denial of services, and past due balances.
We encourage all patients who have questions or concerns about the cost of care to inquire about those costs in advance of service. West Coast Pediatrics follows the American Academy of Pediatrics, (AAP) guidelines for care provided to our patients. If deemed medically necessary, we will administer care according to those guidelines and patients will incur associated fees.
I understand and agree with the following financial policy of West Coast Pediatrics:
- All Payments for all applicable co-pays, coinsurance, and deductible are to be paid by the accompanying parent or adult responsible at the time of service. West Coast Pediatrics accepts cash, checks, and debit/credit cards as methods of payment.
- As the guarantor, I am financially responsible for my newborn's first visit to West Coast Pediatrics unless I can show proof of the insurance
- I understand that before making an annual physical (well-child) appointment I will check with the current insurance carrier regarding covered and non-covered charges. Not all plans cover annual hearing and vision screenings. If it is not covered, it is understood, that I will be responsible for payment on the allowable amount at the time of visit.
- I understand that Patient(s) who are not eligible for Medicaid on the date of service will not be reimbursed for any out of pocket expenses. This includes retroactive Medicaid plans. By signing this policy I am consenting that West Coast Pediatrics is not responsible for submitting retroactive patient claims to Medicaid.
- As the guarantor, I will be responsible for all charges that are not covered by my insurance company. If my insurance is terminated, I as the guarantor will be responsible for all charges incurred with West Coast Pediatrics.
- If there is a balance on my account, I must pay the balance in full within 30 days. I understand that if the balance is 30 days past due I will be charged an administration fee of $25.00 each month until the balance is paid in full.
- In the event that my account is sent to an outside collection agency, a 35% collection fee will be charged to my account before it is turned over to a collection agency. If my account is sent to an outside collection agency, I will be dismissed from the practice.
- I must notify the office of any change of address, phone number, and insurance information.
- I authorize the submission of a claim and direct payment to West Coast Pediatrics for all services provided to the above patient. When a claim is submitted as an unassigned claim, I also authorize payment to be issued directly to West Coast Pediatrics for the amount due in my pending claim for services of medical treatment to the above patient.
- If my child needs to be seen by a specialist, I must obtain proper authorization and understand that I am financially responsible to the specialists. I must call the specialist and make the appointment and notify West Coast Pediatrics of the appointment to ensure that proper authorization is obtained with a 48-hour advanced notice.
- In the event, I can't be present during a visit, I will send written authorization with the adult/guardian that is with my child.
- In the event of a NO Show, there will be a $25.00 fee assessed on the above patient's account. After 3 No Shows you may be dismissed from the practice.
- I understand that WCP doesn't accept secondary insurances and it is my responsibility to bill my secondary insurance.
West Coast Pediatrics is committed to providing the best medical care for our patients and we charge what is considered “usual and customary” for our demographic area. You as the guarantor are responsible for payment if there is any private insurance companies’ arbitrary determination of “usual and customary” rates.