Is Your Child Getting Enough Sleep?

2614706217_55cf3654a4_mLack of sleep can result in poor school performance, behavior problems, and health issues if not addressed. A 10 year child should get 10 hours of sleep. Younger children should get more. Teens need 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Common sleep issues include nightmares, night terrors (sleep walking & talking), sleeping with a parent or sibling, bed wetting, and sleep apnea.

Setting a bedtime routine and sticking to it can reduce sleep related issues. Some tips include a warm bath, reduced lighting, reading, no use of phones, tablets, or tv, and keeping to a schedule. Do not allow your child to use the “One more…” delay tactics.

Correcting sleep issues in a timely manner may prevent sleep related health issues. If your child is exhibiting difficulty sleeping, snoring, daytime sleepiness, hyperactivity, or behavior problems, discuss these issues with your pediatrician. 

For more detailed information on sleep for kids, see Dr. Bobbi Hopkins article “Proper Sleep For Kids” at